Congratulations you’ve been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy! Even though we are still waiting for our letter to arrive (we’re definitely not bitter at all about it...), we are happy that you’ve been accepted!
Now, it’s time to be your own Hermione and get everything ready and organised, so you can have a stress-free start at Hogwarts. Not sure what you’ll need? We’ve put together all the essentials below, so you can tick them off as you purchase them at Diagon Alley.
Hogwarts Express Ticket.
The most important thing you’ll need to get to school is the Hogwarts Express ticket, which will allow you to take the train from Kings Cross Platform 9 ¾ to Hogsmeade. This ticket will be enclosed with your acceptance letter, so make sure you’ll leave it somewhere you won’t lose it! Our Hogwarts Express ticket slider charm can be attached to your bracelet, so no need to use accio if you do misplace it.
First-year students will have to purchase three black plain work robes, one black pointed hat and one winter cloak, which can be purchased at Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions, Twilfitt and Tattings or Second-Hand Robes shop.
It is also required for students to have a pair of protective gloves made from dragon hide or similar material for certain Herbology classes.
Depending on your classes, you should have a copy of each course book that was mentioned in your supply list. Don’t forget to get a magical bookmark, such as our Hufflepuff bookmarks or Slytherin bookmarks, to mark your favourite chapters of each book!
If you are a third-year student and are attending Care of Magical Creatures, you might be a bit apprehensive in getting The Monster Book of Monsters as you want to keep all of your fingers intact, but don’t worry, we have the right alternative for you – our monster book of monsters clip on charm or our Harry Potter monster book charm necklace.
Wizarding Paraphernalia.
Everything from your wand to your cauldron is part of the equipment you’ll have to purchase at Diagon Alley for your classes.
Wands are essential for casting charms and spells. These can be found at Ollivanders and feature various types of wood, from willow to maple wood, as well as cores, from unicorn hair to troll whiskers. If you want the same wands as the wizards you inspire to be, we have available Harry Potter wand necklaces, Dumbledore wand necklaces and even Lord Voldemort wand necklaces.
Cauldrons are used to brew potions and will be required for Potions class, where you’ll learn how to correctly mix and stir ingredients at the right temperatures and times in order to create certain potions, such as the love potion, for instance. In case you fall in love with brewing potions and want to show off your passion, we have the perfect goodies for you, including love potion necklaces and love potion ball bead bracelet with Swarovski Crystals.
Other equipment that might be helpful would be a quill, an optimum writing tool for any witch or wizard, which would be handy for writing down any important details during class or for aspiring writers who want to lay down their thoughts on paper. Our feather quill slider charms and feather quill necklaces are a good alternative if you can’t find the real thing!
Additionally, a broomstick would be the perfect purchase for Flying class (don’t forget that first-year students are forbidden from bringing their own brooms to school!). The only way to bend the rules a bit and have your own broom is by having one of our broomstick slider charms dangling on your bracelet.
Hogwarts will serve lovely food grown locally and plenty of snacks to keep you energised during your classes, however, you won’t find any of your favourite Honeydukes sweets there, so don’t forget to get some chocolate frogs or Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans whilst you are roaming around Diagon Alley.
If you didn’t have time to get some candies, give our non-edible chocolate frog jewellery a try, including chocolate frog keyrings, chocolate frog pin badges and chocolate frog necklaces.
And finally, you can bring with you to Hogwarts an animal companion, if you wish. The guidelines are that students can bring an owl, a cat or a toad, but some students find a way to bring their tarantulas or Pygmy pigs inside. If you are not sure which animal would be the perfect companion for you, have a look at our latest blog post about our favourite magical creatures to give you some inspiration!
What are some of your Hogwarts essentials that didn’t make the list?